LAB RATS Sitcom Pilot

In this fantasy-laden workplace comedy, struggles with her parents' career expectations follow Kate and her eclectic coworkers, as they match wits and wrangle volunteers at a government sleep research facility.

2020 Screencraft Comedy Semifinalist
2022 and 2021
Coverfly Pitch Week Participant

THANK GOD Dramedy Pilot

When stand-up comic Naomi masquerades as the new pastor in a small town, she gets the collection money - and in the crosshairs of a predatory megachurch.

2021 Austin Film Festival Second Rounder

Jess Kim as playwright for covid monologue festival


CLIMBERS Comedy Pilot

Climbing gym employees need to use all of their physical and mental strength to defeat Lad, the bro-est, chillaxing-est gym owner, who is determined to make their gym go viral for all the wrong reasons.

An ominous dark cloud around a small chapel with a dark open door

COVID Monologue Festival

A commission for the COVID-19 Research-Based Monologues Festival.

The series was screened by universities, research conferences, and other institutions to bring awareness to the societal impact of COVID-19.

More info here


The Lunar Times

Mwahaha! Satire! Catch more of Jess’s work through The Lunar Times, a publication for Asian Americans!


To read more of Jess’s theatrical work, check out her New Play Exchange Profile.